To the window. Dart.
To the mirror. To the soul, that I can't find in there.
To the vein that slightly bugles, in my left hand. There's blood in that vein.
And life and air and God. Believe it or not.
Dart. Back to the mirror.
Car, bathroom, anywhere.
Haunting me is that reflection. It causes me to feel the ways [to fear the ways] I do.
Haunting me is that reflection. It causes you to make the decisions you always do.

But there's something I just wanted to let you know.
Its taken a while; but there is something I have got to say.
See there is a problem. With your whole...high glossed image thing.
Because what you need to understand doing this.
Judging me so soon.
The truth of it is. Its all just light reflecting.
I am standing here, openly. Look at this, look at me.
What you see is in reality all just these lights reflecting.
So, how about a try at something deeper then this.
This whole show of me.
Because I can't stand the fact of the reasons you have to be with me or leave.

After that's all said. Where does it put me [should I even care]?

Before you let yourself answer, know this one other thing.
Any decision you make based on the image of me...
in the end...
oh so sadly...
Is just a reflection of you.